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Ōtepoti Mayor Aaron Hawkins on reducing Dunedin’s air pollution

Monday 11th July 2022 | Quintin Jane | R1 News Reporter |
Dunedin has some of the worst air pollution in Aotearoa. Image: Flickr

A recent report found that Ōtepoti has the second highest number of deaths attributable to car emissions in Aotearoa, beating out larger cities such as Tāmaki Makaurau and Ōtautahi. I spoke to Mayor Aaron Hawkins about what is being done to reduce emissions from cars in Ōtepoti. 

Business as Usual: Neoliberal Economics and Austerity Policies with Trent Smith

Friday 8th July 2022 |

This week on Business as Usual, we spoke with Trent Smith from the University of Otago's Economics Department about Neoliberalism in Economic Policy. We dove into the development of neoliberalism, its application in Aotearoa during the past and in the present, and the direction of future economic policy. 

Study calls for increased support for young people experiencing homelessness: lead researcher Dr Brodie Fraser (University of Otago, Wellington)

Friday 1st July 2022 | Zac Hoffman | R1 News Reporter |

A new study from the University of Otago has found that young people experiencing homelessness need more income support. Led by Dr Brodie Fraser (University of Otago Wellington, Department of Public Health), the study followed 69 people experiencing homelessness in Aotearoa, examining a number of outcomes such as health, income and wellbeing whilst they were in housing. They were housed through the People Project, a social housing provider in Kirikiriroa which received assistance from the government's Housing First programme. Fraser says that although the programme is a success, Aotearoa needs systemic reform in housing, the economy, and numerous other aspects of society to prevent homelessness. 

Ministry of Justice considering legal recognition of whāngai in adoption reforms (Dr Erica Newman, University of Otago Indigenous Development Programme Co-ordinator)

Friday 1st July 2022 | Zac Hoffman | R1 News Reporter |

The Ministry of Justice has recently announced an investigation into adoption reform in Aotearoa, addressing what many view as the outdated nature of the 1960 Adoption Act. This has the potential to include legal recognition of whāngai adoption. Dr Erica Newman, a lecturer from Te Tumu, says that while legal recognition of whāngai would be highly beneficial for Māori, it's a matter of how that recognition goes ahead, and whether or not whāngai matters are settled by Māori or the Crown.

Business as Usual: The Rational Consumer and Behavioural Economics with Trent Smith

Friday 1st July 2022 | Zac Hoffman | R1 News Reporter |

This week on Business as Usual, Zac speaks to Trent Smith from the University of Otago's Economics Department about the idea of the rational consumer, if it's still a viable concept in the 21st century and the advent of behavioural economics.